St. Louis Pride
It could not have happened to a better city in the country. St. Louis totally deserves this!! I am so proud of my city, its team, and its fans... I LOVE YOU ST. LOUIS AND FOREVER WILL!!
Labels: baseball
Labels: baseball more or less an impossible task.
Labels: life
And off we go again... we seriously have the best team and the best city in the US!!! I LOVE ST. LOUIS!!!!!! GO CARDS GO GO GO!!!!
Labels: baseball
It's Halloween and so of course I got the itch to check out a haunted house or two. They always scare the friggin daylights outta me though, but this year I'm feeling brave. I guess I'm proud of myself that I watched "Poltergeist" alone last night and wasn't bothered at all by it. Anyways I'm not sure I want to go to the Darkness again, especially after the fight that broke out there recently, but they've converted the old Noah's Ark restaurant in St. Charles into a "Haunted Hotel" and that might be cool. Of course this is only if I have any time...
Labels: life
I am oddly excited about the cool air moving into the area today and tomorrow... it means I get to wear a sweatshirt to work tomorrow and for some reason that makes me happy. I'm excited for warm blankets, hot cider, and soups and chilis. In fact I just bought a couple of awesome soup mugs that match my dinnerware. I love soup mugs.
Labels: life
What kind of bad St. Louisan am I, that I haven't been to our probably-second-best-in-the-country-yet-still-free zoo in almost 10 years? I need to go. It's probably too late to say it now cause who knows if we could arrange an outing before it gets too cold. I suppose I could get brave and go by myself on one of my off days. I wonder what that would be like. It could be fun.
Labels: ABCBlog
It's Toronto's airport code. Really. Does this make sense at all? No it doesn't. The only part that makes sense is that it begins with Y, as do all Canada's airport codes. But the -YZ? Uh-uh. I don't see it. Someone explain it to me.
Labels: ABCBlog
Ok now it's my turn to be predictable. :)
Labels: ABCBlog
Labels: ABCBlog
Today is a holiday, October 1!! For me that is. Because I positively love October.
Labels: ABCBlog