Thursday, November 11, 2004

I ♥ Howie Day

Saw Howie Day last night during a day-excursion to Columbia, MO, with Tracie. He makes his music with his voice, guitar, and an incredible assortment of pedals/switches/who knows what else to "loop" samples of his music over each other, and it sounds like more than just one guy with a guitar and a great voice. He can make his voice echo, he can do backup vocals for himself, he can make his guitar sound like a bass guitar or an electric guitar or really anything he wants, he can do his own rhythm section... there are just no words really to describe the power behind his performance. And the beautiful lighting behind him took my breath away too. I have linked him in my sidebar and I can't wait to see him again sometime. The only downside is that it almost makes me NOT want to get the CDs, because I just feel there's no way they could compare to the live performance. But I will probably want to get them anyway because the songs were really good, even if they're even MORE amazing performed live. And this morning just as I was waking up, there he was on my radio, singing "Collide." How sweet! :)

The rest of my visit to Columbia was great too. Walked all around the Mizzou campus and saw a lot of new things. Went in a few shops downtown too. Ate lunch at the Heidelberg, seeing it again for the first time since it was rebuilt after being destroyed in a fire last year. (It looks great. I am really happy with how it turned out.) Made a stop at the Newman Center and played the piano for a little bit, like checking up on an old friend from the past... The whole day (except for the concert of course) was like saying hi to old memories from my Mizzou days. Sometimes it seems like a lifetime ago...



Blogger Dirty Gypsy said...

I had no idea you weren't at work on Wednesday! :) Glad you had fun in Columbia. Day trips are fun, aren't they?

When I first read your post, I thought "I ♥ Howie Day" was some sort of holiday that I had never heard of. I'm so hopeless. But I'll check out his webpage so that I can say that I know who he is. :)

11/12/2004 7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had no clue you were going to be out of the office - sounds like you had an awesome day!! I love going back to campus. Well, particularly because there's a Chipotle there now, and I adore Chipotle.


11/12/2004 8:19 AM  
Blogger Kristi said...

Hee hee! Steph, that's hilarious. "I-♥-Howie Day!" On this day you must profess your love for someone named Howie, anyone named Howie!! :)

11/12/2004 8:48 AM  
Blogger Dirty Gypsy said...

Howie Long?? :)

I checked out Howie Day and listened to all the clips from his latest album. It wasn't really my thing (as you most likely knew already), but I'm glad you guys got to see him and had such a great time.

11/12/2004 9:59 AM  
Blogger Kristi said...

Well, like I said in the post, the clips and CDs do not hold a candle to the live performance. But yeah, I don't really see him as being your style at all. It's cool.

11/12/2004 10:03 AM  
Blogger Kristi said...

I was telling someone else that if I had never heard of the fire, and instead heard that it had been closed for a couple of months for remodeling, I would've believed it. It looks pretty close to how it did before, just new tables, more "openness" (it seems wider on the inside) new floors, and of course the rooftop seating (which I didn't get a chance to see). The bar looked identical to me. (it probably wasn't but it seemed like it). Same layout and everything. I'm really happy about it.

11/15/2004 9:53 AM  

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