Friday, November 23, 2007

A Mom-and-Me Trip?

Thanksgiving was wonderful this year. The food seemed better-than-average and we had about 10 different desserts, one of which was the pumpkin cheesecake I baked, which turned out pretty awesome. (It was the Cheesecake Factory's own recipe, so of course it was spectacular.) Had a great time bonding with everyone.

And, my mom told me that the cruise described in my last post isn't very practical for my dad, since October is really a crunch time for him (he works in finance and October is the end of the fiscal year)... so she suggested that she and I go together, just us.

How can I say no?? This may be her only chance to visit the Holy Land, not to mention a great travel experience for me (I still drool at the thought of getting to visit FIVE countries on THREE continents on ONE trip! On a cruise ship!!). I've never spent that much time with just my mom before. But I really should. It'd be a priceless experience for both of us.

Could this really really happen?? Well, I guess we'll know for sure when we put the deposit down on it...


Monday, November 12, 2007

Planning for Next Year's Trip Already?

My parents are interested in taking this cruise in October next year. They asked me if I'd be interested.


The only question is, how do I afford it?? It's more than $4,000. Might be worth it to scrimp and save for it... I don't know... I might want to start going back to school soon though... but MAN, it looks like the opportunity of a lifetime. Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Israel, and back to Rome again?? All those countries I could add to my list of places I've been? On a CRUISE SHIP? I've never been on a cruise. Not to mention getting to see the Holy Land for myself??? Drool. I want to go SO bad. We'll see though.


Monday, November 05, 2007

The Issue of School

I am not yet done with my travel degree. However the closure of Highway 40 is going to make finishing it difficult. Do I just move and live somewhere else for a while and then come back to finish school when it's done, or finish school first (figure out a way to get there without using 40... there has to be a way, right??) and then be all set to venture on? It could take longer though... I might be itching to get out of here soon, while I still have the drive to. But I don't want to leave my degree unfinished, even though it's already done its job, and that was just to get me in the field. I don't know how necessary it still is. But I hate leaving things unfinished. And I could be better off with it done.. who knows what opportunities might crop up that it would give me a head up on. Agh. Decisions...
