Sunday, June 28, 2009

L is for Low Fat/Cal

I love my sweets, but I also love staying in shape. It's a never-ending battle. While I would love to indulge in some sugary carbohydratey treat every day, it's just not smart. Or it's just too much work to stay on top of the calorie intake.

So whenever I bake, I cut cals or fat at every chance I get. I try to use low-fat versions of sour cream, cream cheese, butter, and milk; and purchase reduced-sugar versions of cake mix and brownie mix whenever I use them. I never tell a difference in the final product. Now whether or not the trade-off is actually positive due to other chemicals those products have to make them low-fat or low-cal, could be a whole other debate. But I will stick with stemming the caloric load for now.

Here are some low-cal recipes collected from BakingBites that I'd love to try out sometime:

Low Fat Fudgy Brownies
Low Fat Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
Lower Fat Carrot Sheet Cake
Light Chocolate Mousse
Low Fat Lemon Curd (to use as filling in cakes, pastries, lemon cupcakes, etc.)
Whole Wheat Maple Muffins

I've also mentioned before, the Applesauce Layer Chocolate Cake and the Low Fat Vanilla Pastry Cream and Mini Eclairs.



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