Tuesday, September 12, 2006

B is for Birthday Boy

Happy birthday to my sweet nephew Ryan! He is 5 today. Mike, be sure to give him a kiss for me. I am a terrible aunt and didn't send a birthday card. Maybe tell them that I start sending birthday cards when they're old enough to remember what a great aunt I really am?? Heh.

I remember I announced his birth at my work, the day after that horrible nightmare took place. Many people sent responses that they were happy to be reminded that new life and new birth continue to go on even in the wake of death and destruction. It was some much-needed happy news for the day.

Sometimes I call Ryan the "day after" baby. I wonder if when he grows up he'll think of himself like that too...



Blogger Dirty Gypsy said...

I had totally forgotten that he was born the day after all of that. I just remember it was so great to hear some GOOD news.

He's getting so big!

9/12/2006 12:56 AM  

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