Tuesday, May 09, 2006

One Year

As of today, I've officially been a travel agent for one year. :) It goes without saying that I've learned SO much. The question now is, where to go from here? I will probably stick it out a bit longer in my current job... I feel there's still more to learn and take with me when I do move on.

Yesterday really tested me on everything I learned in international training, by the way... I talked to one guy going to Manila, Philippines; another one going to Germany and Austria and needed to change a seat assignment on a "gauge" flight; and another guy asked me the whopper of all international questions: "how do I get a visa for Australia?" We actually learned how to process those electronically last week, because Australia is the one country you can travel to from the US on an electronic visa. But I wasn't allowed to do it for him; that's handled by a different department. Oh well. :)

It would be AWESOME to be so good in this job without having to think that much. People who know that much about international travel never fail to impress me.

So anyways, here's to the next year and where I will be a year from now...


Friday, May 05, 2006

Geography Quiz!

Since we're on the subject, click on the link below to take a geography quiz I found online. I won't brag too much about my score (100%) but anyways, have fun!

Geography Quiz


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

International Training

This week I have been in a training class at work to study more about international itineraries. I wanted to take it because I was tired of thinking "EEP!" any time I got a phone call from a traveler going to a foreign destination. We've been going over world geography, necessary travel documents, interntational airlines and city codes, and special information pertaining to the res systems. For a little while there it was kind of like an extension to my current geography class I'm taking. (And in both I had to stand up and give a presentation on some place or other.) Anyways I've been finding it very interesting and definitely useful. Who knew that I could process an Australian visa electronically in Sabre (and it's the only country that allows that)?? Who knew that anyone leaving Israel trying to go to the United Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia would not be allowed in? And who knew that Kuala Lumpur was the capital of Malaysia? :) Intriguing stuff.

If you're not already familiar with it, http://travel.state.gov is a fantastic source of information for traveling abroad. First read the travel warnings, then go to the Consular Information Sheets and read information about any country in the world and what you should know before going there. They even have special information for spring breakers and the horrible things that can happen to you if you are caught with drugs overseas. The whole site is full of worthwhile reading.

And also get a load of this hotel in Dubai if you haven't seen it yet.

Whether or not I get into more international bookings at work, I'm enjoying learning more about what I should know about it. Anything that puts me more in touch with the real world of travel is a welcome opportunity. (So, anyone want to go to Dubai??) :)
